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時間: 張楚935 分享








  5、謝謝母校對我們三年的教育之恩, 我們馬上就要中考了,我們一定會記得母校,是母校讓我們從一個什么都不懂的孩子變成了一個會思考的青年,這都是母校的功勞,感謝母校。

  6、讓我俯首感謝所有星球的相助讓我與你相遇 與你別離完成上帝所作的一首詩然后 再緩緩老去










  16、時光 是沙漏里的沙 一粒粒地靜靜流淌 我在如沙的時光里游走 只抓住了青春的尾巴 我慌亂地捧起 那些 支離破碎的瞬間 努力地思索 該怎么去將它們重新組合 卻又覺得好笑 只好放手 還他們自由 也還我自由 我站在青春的拐角 回頭望我曾走過的路 猛然發(fā)現(xiàn) 原來 那里也是 一路風雨 一路陽光

  17、若時光,是一條流動的河,那微恙在心湖的漣漪,搖曳著淺憶深念的懂得,若歲月,是一幅柔美的畫;那款款深情的表達,是我要說與你聽的不悔。攜一抹秋陽,不與時光話薄涼,輕輕的攤開手掌,流放一縷眷戀。 寄一枚歲月的淺笑于你, 塵封收藏的,是過往;愈加清晰的,是牽念 。

  18、五年的時光,歷經(jīng)了青春的散場,見證了感情的落幕,同樣也驗證了距離不是無法跨越的鴻溝。在最美的年紀,摻雜著最稚嫩的純真,我們一同度過了高中,因為有你們,我體會到了姐妹情深,因為有他們,我明白了摯友難尋。所以不管是姐妹情深的206,還是一起經(jīng)歷了所有難忘回憶的摯友們,感謝你們帶給我的感動,感謝一路上你們的陪伴!感謝在最美好的時光里遇到你們。未來的路或許很長,亦或許會少了彼此的陪伴,但是那份成長的回憶一直在。不管是五年,亦或是十年,我們依然會是這樣。 那些所有被時光銘記的,我們同樣值得珍惜。


  20、幸福的時光,他安靜地睡在歲月的長河里,如那時夏夜里的簡靜 燥熱,冬夜里的寂靜 薄涼,還有那時的少年臉龐,青澀明朗。

  1, there are flowers own incense, do not have the wind Yang, your potential waiting for you to develop

  2, alma mater, three years of safe haven, life home. Our youth, in his alma mater in love "hate" mixed flowers. Three years, we will be minimalist love unlimited expansion, we will be young ignorant of the "hate" to the extreme. Alma mater, the hearts of the deepest memories, we struggle together!

  3, time stubble Ran, three years time is about to pass away. Here, I know the loyalty of the brothers, friendship friends, honest teachers ... ... from the beginning of a muddle of me, to the present generous me, my alma mater taught me a lot of knowledge and the truth of doing things, his alma mater , I will miss you, would like time to stay for a while, let me take a look at the scenery here.

  4, the first day, the third day, fleeting, for the junior high school on the last train for us, more than a sub-melancholy, but also a little more grateful. Forget the warm scenes, forget the warm words, forget the encouragement of the encouragement ... ... thanks to his alma mater, thanks to his alma mater given, "the road is long Xi Xi Xi, I will be up and down and seeking", I set Will make an effort to return to his alma mater.

  5, thank my alma mater for our three years of education grace, we are about to test, we will remember my alma mater, is the alma mater let us from a child do not understand what will become a young man thinking, this is Alma mater's credit, thanks alma mater.

  6, let me bow to thank all the help of the planet so that I meet with you and you complete a poem made by God and then slowly grow old

  7, when young and walked through the road, looking back today, should be seen as the green sideways Cuiwei, no longer see sad. All the frustration and sadness, at the time of the time we can make us suffer tears, but, separated by a distance from the province, but can feel a trace of sweet sorrow and grief. That year's loss, even become today's get As long as we are willing to wait patiently, let the time slowly work, slowly flowing into a wide river, at that time, across the distance, and then again and again when you and I will see that Washed the general clear and clean, that is like the beauty of the beautiful face of the angel.

  8, life, if only the beginning of sight, the beauty of injury can only freeze in the memories. Maybe someday turned around and left a beautiful back and forth. Perfect arc, will tell the attachment to yesterday.

  9, as long as, in my eyes had your fragrant summer in my heart forever a sincere poem So, so sad to the end of the old is nothing wrong

  10, time leisurely, unhappy not slow, in fact, a reminder of life. Grasp their own strength, live a suitable for their own life, so slow down the mind. Road at the foot of their own to do a reasonable arrangement, do not forget the original intention, leisurely forward. Whether it is destined to the suffering, or the fate of the temporary test, can be at ease, live a free, live an Enron.

  11, blink of an eye three years is coming, we are about to leave his alma mater, alma mater left us a lot of memories, these three years never sensible to sensible, but also learned a lot of courtesy and reason, I will always remember this Beautiful alma mater - quangang two.

  12, sighing time fleeting, three years time, that long is not long, that short short. I am not only in this harvest is knowledge, but also a pair of students, the teacher's feelings, and a thanks to his alma mater. Alchemy every minute of every moment are always in my heart. Do not forget the original heart, forget my alma mater!

  13, in the past three years, we cried, laughed, trouble, see the alma mater a new look, the new teaching building, the new dormitory, the new canteen, everything changed, but that building has been in that building , Looking at our growth, left 80 days time, we will leave your arms, three years of bitter mind in mind, hope my alma mater becomes better.

  14, green trees in the tree, Yin Yin students love. Three years old road, life students friendship. Yan Shi granted industry grace, never forget forever. Looking back the graduation season, also reported mother school grace.

  15, time, such as foal, three years fleeting. Three years so that we have a more mature, less a tender; more than a strong, less a cowardly; more than a courage, less a wander ... ... sunshine charming, spring and warm, Share and classmates, alma mater with the warmth of my heart forever.

  16, the time is the hourglass of the sand in a grain of grain flowing quietly I walk in the sand time only to seize the tail of youth I panic to win those fragmented moments to try to think about how to reassemble them But feel funny had to let go also their freedom also I also free I stood in the corner of youth looked back I had gone through the road suddenly found that there is also a way all the way through the sun

  17, if the time is a flow of the river, that micro-bad in the heart of the lake ripples, swaying light like deep understanding of the know, if the years, is a soft painting; that paragraph affectionate expression, You do not regret it With a touch of autumn sun, not with the words of cool, gently spread out the palm of your hand, exudes a ray of attachment. Send a year of smile to you, dusty collection, is the past; more clear, is read.

  18, five years of time, after the youth of the finish, witnessed the end of the feelings, also verified that the distance is not impossible to cross the gap. In the most beautiful age, mixed with the most innocent innocent, we spent the high school, because you, I realized the sisters love, because of them, I understand the best friend is hard to find. So whether it is the sister of the deep 206, or together with all the memorable memories of the faithful, thank you to bring me touched, thank you all the way to accompany! Thank you in the best time to meet you. The future of the road may be very long, may also be less with each other's companionship, but that growth has been in the memories. Whether it is five years, or ten years, we will still be the case. Those who are remembered for the time, we are equally worthy of treasure.

  19, with the passage of time, maybe we will forget each other, maybe we will remember each other, but like tonight to talk about the days of wine but never again.

  20, happy time, he quietly sleep in the years of the river, such as the summer night in the simple and hot, cool in the winter night cool, there are young faces, crisp and clear.


  1. 如果說友誼是一杯茶,那么泡了四年,香氣正濃,讓人回味無窮。就算現(xiàn)在各奔天涯,我們也不會怕,因為我們知道總有那么些人無論在什么情況下,在你需要的時候你都能找到他。

  2. 再飲一杯酒,能把青春灌醉。再說一句話,能把淚水哽咽。再走一段路,能把舊程攤滅。再寫一段字,能把記憶決裂。最后一杯酒,杯落人該走。莫回頭!

  3. 大學四年,因為有你們的陪伴,讓平凡的生活變得不平凡,雖然即將分開,但是那份情誼會永遠都在。朋友們,讓我們共同期待一個新的美好未來!

  4. 曾經(jīng)熱鬧的宿舍,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)冷冷清清。曾經(jīng)相濡以沫的同窗,如今已經(jīng)散落天涯。時間可以淡化彼此的記憶,但卻模糊不了深厚的友誼。距離可以阻隔彼此的聯(lián)系,但卻隔斷不了無盡的牽掛。

  5. 朋友,別說再見,出了校門我們依然有緣;朋友,別常想我,大家都忙不能天天見面;朋友,別忘了我,現(xiàn)實拼搏中我們依然相伴!感謝大學,讓我們相會美麗校園!

  6. 別回首,太遺憾;別告別,太心酸;別留戀,太傷感。就這樣悄悄的走了吧。大學,不管我對不起你還是你對不起我,都別?嗦,走吧!

  7. 隨著大學的畢業(yè),我們都開始要邁入社會了,此時最想說的就是大家珍重,要記得我們在一起的所有回憶,不管有多少想念多少的不舍隨著最后的鈴聲想起我們必須要分開了,希望未來的路大家可以一帆風順!

  8. 我們說的青春有兩個含義:一是生理的青春。二是自己的業(yè)績青春。我們要利用在生理青春期間所學的知識,不斷完善自己,實現(xiàn)自己的第二青春,用自己的實際行動回報培養(yǎng)自己的祖國。

  9. 通往夢想的道路可能充滿了艱難險阻,只要努力,相信自己有足夠的勇氣能抵達夢想的天堂。離別之際,淚水模糊了雙眼。我想對自己和親愛的同學們說:鑒定信念,不管遇到什么困難都要勇敢的走下去。

  10. 似乎真的到了要說再見了,我的大學!四年大學時間匯成一條河,由我們慢慢品嘗;四年大學時光編成一本書,用我們一生去品讀!別了青春,祝福校友們前程似錦!

  11. 又是一年畢業(yè)季,感懷曾經(jīng)傷別離,此后各自天涯走,同窗情緣難再續(xù)。滿載祝福溫暖溢,心中夢想永不棄,若干年后再相聚,共聞彼此好消息!祝福你!

  12. 畢業(yè)了,分離了,高校搞笑了,畢業(yè)照,就業(yè)照,人才認栽了。用瘋狂的結束,劃上大學的句號,不為讓你暈倒,結局為了逍遙。無拘束,不煩惱,撒手一把,勇敢往前跑。

  13. 一千多個日夜的相處,銘刻在記憶中的,是歡樂的時光,純真的歲月,到了離別這一天,只想以友情的名義,真誠地說一句:祝你前程似錦,咱們后會有期。

  14. 輕輕地,我們走了,正如我們輕輕地來。揮一揮手,作別青青的校園。我們在這里留下燦爛的笑容,我們從這里?走純真的友情。祝福你未來的日子更精彩。

  15. 還記得年少時的夢吧,是那些不曾凋零的花,我們經(jīng)過風吹雨打,我們走到了這個天涯,在此分別我們的往事,在此回憶我們過去,在此向往我們的明天。走吧,走吧,為了更好的明天。

  16. 校園的樹郁郁蔥蔥,每一間教室都灑滿清澈的陽光。從熟悉的地方走過,與熟悉的人道別,心中難免惆悵。然而,相信青春不老,你我會重逢在美好的未來。

  17. 年輕的時代是生命的早晨,是一年四季的春天,這個季節(jié)很精彩,處處是生機是希望。即將大學畢業(yè),愿你在這最開心的季節(jié),展翅飛翔,直沖云霄。

  18. 初出茅廬,眼高手低正常事,但是切記,勿要心高氣傲養(yǎng)成挑三揀四的習慣,對于大事做不來,那么就把小事做好,記住,不做則已,要做就要做好。

  19. 生命的長河中,留不住的是年華和往事,留下來的是夢和回憶。大學的青春時光默然逝去,社會紛繁的生活悄然而至,我誠摯的祝你:心想事成,一帆風順!

  20. 你的嚴厲造就我的認真,你的努力造就我的勤奮,你的博學造就我的好問,你的和藹造就我的溫順,曾經(jīng)偉大的園丁們,謝謝你們幫我長大成人

  1. If friendship is a cup of tea, then soak for four years, the aroma is strong, people memorable. Even now we will not be afraid, because we know that there are always those people no matter what circumstances, when you need you can find him.

  2. drink a glass of wine, can be young drunk. Say a word, can choke the tears. And then take a section of the road, can put out the old course. And then write a word, can break the memory. The last glass of wine, the cup down to go. Mo back!

  3. University for four years, because you have to accompany, so ordinary life becomes extraordinary, although the separation will be, but that friendship will always be. Friends, let us look forward to a new bright future!

  4. Once the lively dormitory, now has been cold and clear. Once Xiangruyimo classmates, now has scattered the horizon. Time can dilute each other's memories, but can not blur the deep friendship. Distance can block each other's links, but can not cut off endless care.

  Friends, do not forget me, the reality of hard work we are still accompanied! Thank you for college, let us meet... Friends, do not forget me, the reality of hard work we are still accompanied! Thank you for college, let us meet Beautiful campus!

  Do not look back, too sorry; do not say goodbye, too sad; do not nostalgia, too sad. So quietly go now University, whether I'm sorry you or you are sorry for me, do not obey, go!

  7. With the graduation of the university, we are beginning to enter the community, and this time most want to say is that we cherish, remember all the memories we have together, no matter how much miss how much sad with the last bell We must be separated, hope that the future of the road we can smooth sailing!

  8. We say that the youth has two meanings: one is the physical youth. Second, their own performance youth. We have to use the knowledge learned during the physiological youth, and constantly improve themselves, to achieve their second youth, with their own practical action to reward their motherland.

  9. The road to the dream may be full of difficulties and obstacles, as long as the effort, I believe that they have enough courage to reach the dream of heaven. Parting the occasion, tears blurred eyes. I would like to myself and my dear students said: identification of faith, no matter what difficulties are brave to go.

  10. seems to really have to say goodbye, my university! Four years college time merged into a river, we slowly taste; four years of college time compiled a book, with our life to read! Blessing alumni

  11. is a year of graduation season, feeling pregnant had to leave, after their own Tianya go, classmates love difficult to continue. Full of blessing warm blessing, the hearts of never forget the dream, a few years later meet again, a total of good news! Bless you!

  12. Graduated, separated, college funny, graduation photo, employment photos, talent was planted. With the end of the crazy, draw the university's full stop, not to let you fainted, the outcome in order to Happy. No restraint, no trouble, a hand, brave to run forward.

  13. more than a thousand days to get along, engraved in memory, is the joy of time, pure years, to parting this day, just want to friendship in the name of sincere to say: I wish you future, we will have a period The

  14. gently, we are gone, as we gently come. Waving a hand, do not be green campus. We are here to leave a brilliant smile, we from here to go pure friendship. Bless your future is more exciting.

  15. Remember the dream of young people, those who have not dying flowers, we through the wind and rain, we went to the horizon, where we are the past, in this memories of our past, in this longing for our tomorrow. Go, go for a better tomorrow.

  The trees on the campus are lush, and every classroom is full of clear sunshine. From the familiar place through, and familiar with the people say goodbye, the heart inevitably melancholy. However, believe that youth is not old, you and I will meet again in the beautiful future.

  17. The young age is the morning of life, is the spring of the year, this season is very exciting, everywhere is the vitality of hope. Graduated from college, may you in this most happy season, wings fly, straight into the sky.

  18. early fledgling, eye master low normal things, but remember, do not want to be proud of the habit of pick and choose, do not do for the big things, then put the small things to do, remember, do not have to do To be done well

  19. life of the river, could not keep the years and past, left the dream and memories. The youth of the university silence passed away, the community's life quietly and quietly, I sincerely wish you: thought something, smooth sailing!

  20. your seriousness makes me serious, your efforts to create my diligence, your knowledge to create my good question, your kindness made my meek, once great gardener, thank you for helping me grow up
