外 文 名 U2
國 籍 愛爾蘭
出 生 地 愛爾蘭
職 業(yè) 搖滾樂組合
代表作品 Out of Control、Pop
類 型 組合
出道時間 1976年10月
U2的創(chuàng)團(tuán)起源于1976年10月時,當(dāng)時14歲、就讀于都柏林教堂山高中(Mount Temple High School)的小賴瑞·慕蘭在學(xué)校的告示板上張貼了一張新樂隊成立招募隊員的告示。這張告示招來了其他四個隊員的回應(yīng)(包括伊凡斯兄弟),他們合組了一個叫“回授”的樂隊(Feedback,回授這個字在音樂上有它特別的意義,意指吉他之類的拾音樂器與音箱間的共鳴現(xiàn)象)。
這個在賴瑞家廚房里組成的樂團(tuán)在經(jīng)過18個月的練習(xí)之后,以“興奮”(The Hype)的隊名參加了一個在1978年3月17日于愛爾蘭利麥立克(Limerick)舉辦的藝人選秀活動,并且順利拿到?jīng)Q賽的參加權(quán)。當(dāng)時貝斯手亞當(dāng)·克雷頓曾拜訪愛爾蘭著名的龐克搖滾樂大師史提夫·艾佛利爾(Steve Averill)討論樂隊命名的問題,史提夫認(rèn)為“興奮”這個隊名聽起來很糟,他們應(yīng)該換一個響亮一點的隊名。根據(jù)史提夫多年之后接受媒體采訪時的回憶,由于1970年代時的音樂界通常都流行采用有意義的名詞來作為隊名,因此他們反其道而行,想要尋找一個簡潔有力,可能可以牽扯出點道理,但實際上又沒什么緣由的字詞來當(dāng)名字。當(dāng)時亞當(dāng)曾提議過他們想要像是“XTC”之類聽起來很有力但無明確意義的稱呼,因此在史提夫給亞當(dāng)?shù)慕ㄗh名單里,總共有十個名字,包括排在最末尾的“U2”這個隊名,都是類似這類風(fēng)格的名稱。后來,“U2”這隊名雀屏中選,樂隊也在決賽中獲勝贏得500英鎊的獎金,從此以后他們就以U2的隊名闖蕩音樂界,一直使用到今日。
由于“U2”這個隊名打從一開始就蓄意地不想明確意指某種特定事物,但又好像跟很多事物有所牽扯,因此關(guān)于該樂隊的名稱,長久以來一直是樂迷們非常愛討論爭議的話題。有說法認(rèn)為,U2這名字應(yīng)該是源自美國空軍在冷戰(zhàn)時代所使用的U-2超高空偵察機(jī),或者第二次世界大戰(zhàn)時的德國潛艇代號(德文:U-Boot),兩者都給人一種神秘莫測的感覺。但另一方面,也有人認(rèn)為U2這隊名象征了該樂隊的表演哲學(xué),意指他們不單只是在臺上表演給臺下群眾觀賞,而是希望能與聽眾互動的“你也一起來”(You too)哲學(xué)??傊?,這種種解釋可說是同時都對也同時都不對,各方解釋不同。2008年12月12日,樂隊主唱Bono因他為改善非洲貧困及落后所做的努力獲得了諾貝爾和平獎提名。
U2一共獲得22項格萊美獎,與史提夫·汪達(dá)共同保持這項紀(jì)錄。其中包括“最佳搖滾團(tuán)體”、“最佳歌曲”、“最佳專輯”、“最佳搖滾專輯”等獎項。另外還獲得了7項全英音樂獎、14項愛爾蘭流星音樂獎、1項全美音樂獎、10項Q雜志大獎、4項MTV音樂錄像帶大獎、2項朱諾獎、3項新音樂快遞音樂獎以及2項金球獎。2005年入選搖滾名人堂、國際特赦組織 Ambassador of Conscience Award;2006年,因為作曲〈I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For〉和〈Vertigo〉而獲得美國作曲家、作家和發(fā)行商協(xié)會獎。2012公告牌音樂獲得 Top Touring Artist 最佳巡演歌手。以及2013其演唱的歌曲《Ordinary Love》獲金球獎最佳影視歌曲。
U2 are an Irish rock band from Dublin. Formed in 1976, the group consists of Bono (lead vocals and rhythm guitar), the Edge (lead guitar, keyboards, and backing vocals), Adam Clayton (bass guitar), and Larry Mullen Jr. (drums and percussion).U2's early sound was rooted in post-punk but eventually grew to incorporate influences from many genres of popular music. Throughout the group's musical pursuits, they have maintained a sound built on melodic instrumentals. Their lyrics, often embellished with spiritual imagery, focus on personal themes and sociopolitical concerns.
The band formed at Mount Temple Comprehensive School in 1976 when the members were teenagers with limited musical proficiency. Within four years, they signed with Island Records and released their debut album Boy. By the mid-1980s, U2 had become a top international act. They were more successful as a touring act than they were at selling records until their 1987 album The Joshua Tree which, according to Rolling Stone, elevated the band's stature "from heroes to superstars".Reacting to musical stagnation and criticism of their earnest image and musical direction in the late 1980s, U2 reinvented themselves with their 1991 album, Achtung Baby, and the accompanying Zoo TV Tour; they integrated dance, industrial, and alternative rock influences into their sound, and embraced a more ironic and self-deprecating image. They embraced similar experimentation for the remainder of the 1990s with varying levels of success. U2 regained critical and commercial favour in the 2000s with the records All That You Can't Leave Behind (2000) and How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (2004), which established a more conventional, mainstream sound for the group. Their U2 360° Tour of 2009–2011 is the highest-attended and highest-grossing concert tour in history.
U2 have released 13 studio albums and are one of the world's best-selling music artists of all time, having sold more than 170 million records worldwide.They have won 22 Grammy Awards, more than any other band, and, in 2005, were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in their first year of eligibility. Rolling Stone ranked U2 at number 22 in its list of the "100 Greatest Artists of All Time".Throughout their career, as a band and as individuals, they have campaigned for human rights and philanthropic causes, including Amnesty International, the ONE/DATA campaigns, Product Red, War Child and the Edge's Music Rising.
Following Bono's recuperation, U2 embarked on the Innocence + Experience Tour in May 2015.Comprising 76 shows,the tour visited arenas in North America and Europe from May through December.The group structured their concerts around a loose autobiographical narrative of "innocence" passing into "experience", with a fixed set of songs for the first half of each show and a varying second half, separated by an intermission–a first for U2 concerts.The stage spanned the length of the venue floor and was divided into three sections: a rectangular main stage, a smaller circular B-stage, and a walkway between them. A 96-foot-long double-sided video screen was suspended above and parallel to the walkway; the structure featured an interior catwalk between the screens, allowing the band members to perform amidst the video projections.U2's sound system was moved to the venue ceilings and arranged in an oval array, in hopes of improving acoustics by evenly distributing sound throughout the arena.In total, the tour grossed 2.2 million from 1.29 million tickets sold.The final date of the tour, one of two Paris shows rescheduled due to the 13 November 2015 attacks in the city, was filmed for the video Innocence + Experience: Live in Paris and broadcast on the American television network HBO.