Christmas comes but once a year. 佳節(jié)良辰機會難得。
Fortune never helps the man whose courage fails. 運氣從來不會幫助失去勇氣的人。 Failure is the mother of success. 失敗乃成功之母。
The wealth of mind is the only true wealth. 精神財富是唯一的真正財富。
He who loves his country ,can love nothing. 一個不愛自己國家的人什么也不會愛。Succebelongs to the persevering. 堅持到底就是勝利。
Live and learn. 學(xué)無止境。
The more a man knows,the more he is inclined to be modest. 懂得越多的人就會越謙虛。Ittakes a great man to make a good listener. 偉大的人才能成為好的傾聽者。Man’s greatnelies in his power of thought. 人的偉大在于他的思想的力量。Honesty is the best policy. 誠實是最好的策略//坦誠是最明智的策略。
He is wise than is honest. 誠實者明智。
Two heads are better than one. 兩人智慧一人。
Repetition does not transform. 重復(fù)并不能把謊言變成真理。
Knowledge is power. 知識就是力量。
Confidence of succeis almost success. 對成功抱有信心就近乎成功。
Diligence is near success. 勤奮近乎成功。
Custom is a second nature. 習(xí)慣成自然。
You’re never a loser until you quit trying. 在停止努力之前你永遠(yuǎn)不是失敗者。Delays are dangerous. 坐失良機必有憂患。
Unite unite and once unite. 團(tuán)結(jié)、團(tuán)結(jié)、再團(tuán)結(jié)。
Weeds always flourish. 野草生命力強。
Ahedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。
Better wit than wealth. 智慧勝于財富。
Better to do well than to say well. 說得好不如做得好。
Big mouthfuls often choke. 貪多嚼不爛。
By doing we learn. 經(jīng)一事長一智。
By other’s faults,wise men correct their own. 他山之石可以攻玉。
No.road of flowers leads to glory. 沒有一條通向榮譽的道路是鋪滿鮮花的。
You must learn to obey before you command. 不吃苦無收獲。
The price of wisdom is above rubies. 智慧的價值比紅寶石更珍貴。
Abird is known by its song. 什么鳥唱什么歌。
Constant dropping wears the stone. 水滴石穿。
Aclear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落勝券在握。
Afoor may give a wise man counsel. 愚者千慮必有一得。
Earlysow,earlymow. 早播種早收獲。
Easycome,easygo. 易得易失。
Eventhe walls have ears. 隔墻有耳。
EveryJackhashisJill. 有情人終成眷屬。
Everylittlemakesamickle. 積少成多。
Take care of the pen,and the pounds will take care of themselves. 積少自然成多。Everylover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object. 情人眼里出西施。Faith will move mountains. 精誠所至金石為開。
Far from eye,far from heart. 離遠(yuǎn)而情疏。
Birth is nothing where virtue is not. 品德不好出身高貴也枉然。
Friendship the older grows, the stronger it is. 友誼地久天長。
Good fame is better than a good face. 美名勝美貌。
The truth is generally see,rarelyheard. 耳聽為虛眼見為實。
Help yourself,and heaven will help you. 天助自助者。
Aword to the wise is sufficient. 與智者談一言足矣。
It is never late to give up prejudices. 舍棄偏見決不致過遲。
Talkers are not good doers. 夸夸其談?wù)呖偛皇巧眢w力行者。
He jests at scars that never felt a wound.沒有受過傷的人才嘲笑別人的傷痕。Brevity is the soul of wit. 言以簡為貴。
A little learningis a dangerous thing. 一知半解的知識是最危險的東西。Prevention is better than cure. 預(yù)防勝于治療。
Time tames the strongest grief.時間可以沖淡最強烈的悲傷。
Nothing is really beautiful but truth. 只有真理才是最美麗的。
He that will thrive must rise at five. 五更起床百事興旺。
Opportunity seldom knocks twice. 機不可失失不再來。
Time and tide wait for no man. 歲月不等人。
No pains,no gains. 不勞無獲。
Time works wonders. 時間創(chuàng)造奇跡。
Ambition makes people diligent. 壯志使人勤奮。
All things are difficult before they are easy. 萬事開頭難。
Knowledge without practive makes but half and artist. 只有知識而無實踐只能造就半瓢水的藝術(shù)家。
Moderate measures succeed best. 溫和的措施最易成功。
Faith will move mountains. 信仰之力能移山。
Enrich yourselves. 充實你自己。
To be happy,keep busy. 想要快樂找點事做。
Men of learning are plain men. 有學(xué)識的人質(zhì)樸無華。
Have an aim in life,or your energies will all be wasted.人生應(yīng)該有個目標(biāo)否則你會白白浪費你的精力。
You cannot expect to be both grand and comfortable. 不能同時奢望既偉大又舒適。To question a wise man is the beginning of wisdom. 詢問智者是獲取智慧的第一步。To win you have to risk loss. 要想勝利就得冒失敗的危險。
rocrastination is the thief of time. 拖拉等于浪費時間。
Discontent is the first step in progress. 不滿是前進(jìn)的第一步。
Ignorance of the law excuses no man. 不懂法不能成為任何人違法的借口。
Good order is the foundation of all things. 良好的秩序是一切事物的基矗
The truest politenecomes from sincerity. 真正的禮貌來自真誠。
