Personal Statement
To summarize all my strengths, “ Never Giving Up” would be the best one. For one thing, it represents my stamina and confidence, for another, it is also a kind of responsibility for others as well as for me. I would persistently work till the end to achieve my goals. Undoubtedly, intellegency and capability also play an indesipensable role in my success. With this spirit, I am always the one who laughs the best at the end. What gives me the strong willpower?
My family, I value most, determined the core of myself from my characters to my dream. Both my parants are excellent engineers, especially my father. He has deeply influeced me in my life. At my junvenile time, owning to poverty, I had no pocket money to buy something I wanted like other children, but I lived a happy life. The unique toys made by father made me so cheerful and proud that up to now I still cherished a little radio. What’s more, he was a skillful repairman, from small household articles to my bicycle, even washing machine. Gradually, I was cultivated from a curious observant to an enthusiastic participant in repairing some small articles. It is from my father that I understood poverty is not fearful compared to nescience, and a person can labor for his progress independently. Thanks to his teaching in austerity, I’ve developed into a girl with good characters of independence, deligence and carefulness, which influenced both my private life and my future academic life.
Owning to these, I was able to enter “The Middle School of Northwestern Polytechnical University”, one of the best in prestige in Shaanxi province. What attracted me most was its unique didactics— inspiring students to succeed in every realm apart from classroom studying, for example, it provided lots of experiments to help us put our new ideas into practice. As a result, I, a juvenile full of curiosity, was fascinated by those fantastic physical experiments. Moveover, our teacher always applied a heuristic teaching method and informed us the latest development of technologies. Thus, the thought of innovation ingrained early in my mind. Additionally, various activities I participated in helped me a lot in my comunicaiton and cooperation. Meanwhlile as the monitor of my class, my responsibility and leadership were further developed.
Six years later, after taking the extremely stiff competition, National College Entrance Test (NCET, similar to SAT), I was admitted bu Xidian University with an excellent mark of 653. The statistics indicated I was among the best 100 selected from nearly 130,000 freshmen applied for this major, Micro-Electronics, ranking top three in China. Actually I had given up some better universities like Tongji University or Jiaotong University. During four years’ college study, I enjoyed the electronics syllabus and harvested a lot with annual scholarship. In addition, the extracurricular activities enriched my experience and campus life. My love for dancing drove me to enter for Dancing Contests and were awarded the First Prize and the Best Performer several times. As the vice- monitor of my class and the leader of public relation section of student union, I was awarded the titles of Best Student and Excellent Leader for the responsibility I exerted. In the campus talent competition and debating competition, I won the first place, gaining honor for my department. Especially in 2008 Olympics in Beijing, I, an amateur athlete, was elected the escort runner of Olympic torch relay. In retrospect, I’ve practised running, learned Olympic knowledge, and above all, experimented the Olympic spirit, Never Giving Up.
With the knowledge relevant to Micro-Electronics imparted, I was completely enchanted by the academic world, from the abstract theory of semiconductor to practical principles of electronics technique especially in digital circuits. In may 2008, I participated National Innovative Pilot Project for Bachelors, as the leader of my team. Considering problems remaining in the fields of environment and energy resources, we decided to research in lead-acid battery charger system with an activation function. Combining our knowledge of digital circuit with skills on Verilog, we would provide the solution with singlechips. We intended to take FPGA to integrate all the digital controling parts into a single chip. Admittedly there would be various difficulties, for example, how to cooperate with my teammates I chose and how to systematically accomplish this program were both challenges. In later days, however, I consulted many books for lead-acid bettery knowledge and its problem unsolved in the library, besides, I also invited a famous professor in our department to be our guide. Finally, with all the difficulties overcome, I led my team, the top first team, to obtain the opportunity to persue my dream. Our program will be finished in May of next year and we are certain to publish two papers for our program. Now it is so intriguing to me and I become more staunch to take this academics as my career goal. I chose integrated circuits design as my major because it needs further development in China and many people know little about it. I firmly believe it is my duty to introduce a complete concept of IC design to China. Seemingly a challenging dream, it deserves my devotion.
To fulfill my career goal, I intend to pursue my Master degree and further my study in a program best fit for me. Your honored program falls into my scope not only because of the great prestige of your university and the program, but also because the following three points so fascinating to me:
* Rarely does any other program stress on academic innovation like yours. Needless to say, rarely does any other program fit my innovative nature like yours, either.
* The research-oriented program will allow me to take best advantage of my diverse skills developed during undergraduate study.
* The small size of the program will provide me with more opportunity to share views with world-class faculty and learn from them.
If I were fortunate enough to be admitted, I would like to concentrate my Master study on:
* Algorithms and architectures for constraint driven digital signal processing. * Low-power low-voltage high-speed digital circuits
* VLSI circuits and systems and CAD/CAE/CAM technologies.
At last, I am confident that under your seasoned guidance, I will fully develop my intellectual potential in academic research. It will come as no surprise that one-day, I become one of the foremost authorities in these fields after I graduate from your program.
我叫xxx ,男/女,xxxx 年xx月xx日出生,xxxx 年xx 月畢業(yè)于 。xxxx同年xx 月,就職于 至今。工作期間,我不斷鉆研業(yè)務技術,19 年獲得 先進教育工作者稱號;同時堅持自修文化知識。 我從小就愛讀書,中學時開始初學英語,就為英語悠久深厚的文化內涵和在國際社會中的獨特地位深深的著迷了,那時就立志要學好英語。2001年,中國加入世貿(mào),國內經(jīng)濟在逐步加快國際化的步伐,國內熟悉國際貿(mào)易規(guī)則、掌握雙語的人才更顯緊缺。中國政府也不斷加快教育改革的步伐,對課程進行了大幅度的調整,并逐步在小學開設英語課程。形勢變化再一次激起我深造英語的夢想,目前我國小學英語教師緊缺,也更堅定了我學習英語的決心,因為我熱愛教育事業(yè),對英語更有深厚的興趣。英國是個發(fā)達國家,在社會政治、經(jīng)濟、文化、教育等許多領域均取得了輝煌的成就,而且有悠久的英語文化,到貴國深造英語是最理想的選擇。
我的想法得到家庭和單位領導的理解和支持,我的家庭也為我提供了足夠的留學資金。我志愿申請到貴國留學,如蒙準許,一定努力學習,學成后歸國,將從事英語教學工作,為中國的教育事業(yè)、為傳播世界和平文化、為促進中英文化交流貢獻一份自己的力量。 敬請簽證官先生給我一個深造的機會,謝謝!
致 禮!
dear professor,
i am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. i am a chinese undergraduate from xx, which is one of the top 10 universities in china, and i will graduate in 20xx. after that, i want to continue my education by pursuing a master degree in france. i am now in the department of xx.
my primary interest is in international commerce, and i notice that essec is on top of that field, so i decide to exert myself to get in. your research in “cross-cultural relationship marketing”, especially your publications on business of china as well as southeast asia, are of particular interest to me. and i would like to deal with business between europe and china in my career. that's why i seek entry to your theme.
during my university years, i am used to working in a team environment. for example, i was administrative vice minister in student union, and organized and schemed activities along with competitions in university. for my excellent job, i gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities. after passing college english tests 4&6, i turned to learn french last year and i got a score of 463 in tcf. i am preparing for ielts currently, and if gmat is necessary for applying master degree in essec, i shall take the test after the ielts test.
with so much admiration and enthusiasm, i hope i would have the opportunity to work under your supervision. if admitted, i am able to continue working along the lines of your present research.
thanks for your kindness and consideration.
yours sincerely , xx-x