"When asked what the candidate was currently earning, she replied, 'I really don't see how that is any of your business.'"
The candidate who brought his dog to the interview.
"The person got up to leave just a few minutes after the interview had begun, saying he left his dog in the car and needed to check on him."
The candidate who wasn't a good salesperson.
"When asked how the candidate would improve sales if hired for the position, he replied, 'I'll have to think about that and get back to you.' He then stood up, walked out and never came back.“
The candidate who lied on his resume.
"After being complimented on his choice of college and the GPA he achieved, the candidate replied, 'I'm glad that got your attention. I didn't really go there.'"
The candidate who couldn't brave the cold weather.
"The company sent an employee to meet a prospective candidate at the airport. The applicant got off the plane, said it was far too cold to live and work in this city, and said he was taking a flight home. He never met the hiring manager."
The candidate who loved the outdoors too much.
"The job seeker halted the conversation about work hours and the office environment, saying she didn't like being confined to a building, but would consider taking the job if she could move her desk to the courtyard outside."
The candidate who planned ahead of time about skipping work.
"In response to the hiring manager's offer to answer questions about the position, the job seeker replied, 'What happens if I wake up in the morning and don't feel like going to work?'"