今天我們要講的美國習(xí)慣用語是:the ball is in someone's court. Ball是球,court是比賽場地。The ball is in someone's court,從字面上來理解就是:球在別人的場地內(nèi)。作為一個習(xí)慣用語,它的意思是:現(xiàn)在是輪到某人采取行動了。
舉例來說,我的一個朋友最近找到了一份工作,可是他覺得公司給他的薪水不夠高,要求公司提高工資。也就是說,他是否接受這份工作要看公司是否會滿足他的條件:The ball is in the company's court.
例句-1:My teacher gave me plenty of advice on how I could improve my grade before the end of the semester. Now the ball is in my court. I have to decide whether I'm going to make the effort to get more serious about studying.
俗話說,“師傅領(lǐng)進(jìn)門,修行在個人。” 人生中有很多事情都要自己花時間,下功夫去做的。拿申請留學(xué)來說吧,學(xué)校把入學(xué)申請表寄給你以后,下一步就要你自己來完成了。
下面我們再來聽一個例句。這是一個年輕人得罪了自己的女朋友,那怎么辦呢?我們來聽聽他目前的處境 。
例句-2:I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have told my girlfriend that she was selfish. But after leaving her messages and sending her e-mails to apologize, there's nothing else I can do. At this point, the ball is in her court. She has to take the next step and let me know if she forgives me.
今天我們要講的美國習(xí)慣用語是:spill the beans。 Spill是灑的意思,beans是豆子的意思。那spill the beans就是豆子灑了吧?其實,這個習(xí)慣用語真正的意思是泄漏秘密。
不久前,我家里人偷偷為我準(zhǔn)備生日晚會,要給我一個驚喜,但是我的小外甥不小心泄漏了秘密。我告訴他說,雖然他spilled the beans, 我還是會假裝大吃一驚的。
例句-1:Of course, you want to tell your best friend that we're engaged. But she has a terrible habit of spilling the beans. So if we want to keep it a secret for a while, don't mention it to her. Otherwise, everyone will know before we can make an announcement.
二戰(zhàn)期間,美國政府要求美軍士兵不要在信件和談話中涉及軍事行動的細(xì)節(jié)。他們擔(dān)心,如果什么人spilled the beans, 就可能讓敵人探聽到,帶來慘重的后果。
不過有的時候,誘使某些人spilled the beans, 也是很有必要的,比如說警察。
例句-2:We have lots of experience getting suspected criminals to confess. Sometimes we'll bring them to the police station and question them in a relaxed and informal way. This helps us gain their trust. Before long, many of them spill the beans and we're able to make an arrest.
這段話是說:我們很有經(jīng)驗,能讓犯罪嫌疑人認(rèn)罪。有時我們會把嫌疑人帶到警察局,在很放松、很隨便的氣氛中審問他們,設(shè)法贏得他們的信任。用不了多久,很多人就會spill the beans, 這樣警察才能將他們緝拿歸案。
這讓我想起一個朋友。有一次,他下班后請老板喝酒,以為老板酒后能向他透露一些人員調(diào)動的內(nèi)部消息,誰知道他這位老板,硬是沒有spill the beans.