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  只有通過(guò)大量賞識(shí)美文佳作,才能發(fā)現(xiàn)其閃光點(diǎn),才能抒作者胸中之臆,享作者心中之情,在人與美文佳作不斷的對(duì)話(huà) 碰撞中,使賞識(shí)美文佳作成為學(xué)生內(nèi)在的需要,成為學(xué)生一種新的生活體驗(yàn)和學(xué)習(xí)方式。小編精心收集了晨讀英語(yǔ)美文,供大家欣賞學(xué)習(xí)!



  Image life as a game in which you are playing some five balls in the air.You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit, and you’re keeping all these balls in the air.

  You understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.But the other four balls are made of glass. If you drop one of these,it will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, damaged or even broken into pieces.They will never be the same. You must learn to strive for balance in your life. How?

  Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself to others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.

  Don’t set your goals by what other people consider important. Only you know what is best for you.

  Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Hold on to them as you would to life, for without them, it’s meaningless.

  Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

  Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together.

  Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

  Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find.The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;and the best way to keep love is to giveit wings.

  Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.

  Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.

  Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.

  Don’t let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or in the future.By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

  Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going.

  Life is not a race, but a journey to be enjoyed slowly each step of the way. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why we call it - the present.


















  For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life,and mine has been that for the lasttwenty years,is that it becomes increasingly rewarding.When I can wake up and watch the sunrise over the ocean, as I domost days, and know that I have an entire day ahead,uninterrupted,in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dog,lie down in the afternoon for a think(Why does one think better in a horizontal position?), read and listen to music, I am floodedwith happiness.

  I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when forthe time beingI feel empty and need filling up.And I am lonely sometimes when I come backhome after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot,and am full to thebrim with experience that needs to be sorted out.

  Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where myself is hiding.Ithas been recaptured slowly by watering the plants, perhaps, and looking again at each one asthough it were a person,by feeding the two cats, by cooking a meal.

  It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains at the end of the field,but themoment when the world falls away,and the self emerges again from the deepunconsciousness,bringing back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowlyunderstood,when I can converse again with my hidden powers,andso grow, and so berewarded, till death do us part.




  過(guò)了 一會(huì)兒,我看到地平線(xiàn)的盡頭海浪如泉水般噴涌,那一刻,世界消逝殆盡了,而自我從深層的無(wú)意識(shí)中再一次浮現(xiàn),這才使我想起最近所經(jīng)歷的一切,讓我去探究、去愎慢了解。此時(shí),我又能與隱藏的力量交流了,于是我又在成長(zhǎng),并在成長(zhǎng)中得到回報(bào),直到死亡將我們分開(kāi)。



  Gentlemen of the jury, the best friend a man has in this world may turn against him andbecome his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may proveungrateful.

  Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and ourgood name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It fliesaway from him perhaps when heneeds it most. A man’s reputation may be sacrificed in amoment of ill-considered action.

  The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may bethe first tothrow the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.

  The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one thatnever deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.

  Gentlemen of the jury, a man’s dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health andin sickness.He will sleep on the cold ground where the wintry winds blow and the snow drivesfiercely, if only he may be near his master’s side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer,he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. Heguards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.

  When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls topieces,he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.

  If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, thefaithful dog asksno higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard againstdanger,to fight against his enemies, and when the last scene of all comes, and death takes themaster in its embrace and his body is laid away inthe cold ground, no matter if all other friendspursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between hispaws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness,faithful and true, evento death.













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