英語三級(jí)范文篇6. The Positive and Negative Effects of Computers
Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today. They are far more efficient than human beings and have much better memories. They can store huge amounts of information and can do very complicated calculations. In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better.
However, the negative aspects of a computer-controlled world have also been shown clearly. First, the computer virus can destroy millions of machines in a minute. This often results in the tremendous loss of data in the machine. Moreover, a completely new kind of crime has appeared. Some extremely intelligent people who know how a computer works --- the computer “experts” --- make huge amounts of money by cheating a computer, and it is very difficult to catch them.
英語三級(jí)范文篇7. The Problem of Heavy Traffic
With the development of economy and increase of population, cities in China have become increasingly crowded. As a result, streets are full of cars, buses and bicycles. This makes traffic jams a common encounter for many people. It certainly causes much inconvenience and waste of time and efficiency.
There are some possible solutions to the problem. First of all, more investment should be put into the building of more highways to receive the heavy traffic flow on the streets. Next, more fly-over should be built to help pedestrians to pass the streets safely and cars and buses pass smoothly in the crowded areas.
英語三級(jí)范文篇8. Good Manners
It is important to be with good manners when we come into contact with others. A person with good manners is always an agreeable companion, because he always thinks of others and respects others. If we are polite, kind, and helpful to others, we will be able to win over many friends. On the contrary, rude behaviors often lose friends and make life difficult.
College students should learn to be with good manners in everyday life. Respect others and be friendly to those around us will certainly bring us great benefit. Good manners are, in fact, ways, by which to show people our respect and politeness and are absolutely not difficult to learn. What is more important is to learn to really polite to others.
英語三級(jí)范文篇9. Forest Fire
Most forest fires are caused by human carelessness. Careless smokers are responsible for thousands of forest fires each year. Many of these are started when cigarette ends and matches are thrown from automobiles, Hunters, fishermen, or woods workers who are careless with their smoking materials may also cause forest fires.
Forest fires can be caused by nature. The most important natural cause of fire is lightening. This accounts for 11 percent of forest fires in the world. According to some studies, in the tropical areas, lightening causes a much higher percentage of fires than it does in elsewhere.
Forest fires have already brought about great losses to nations. Measures must be taken to protect or control the forest fires.