There once was a young horse named Mary
This Mary was rather quite hairy
She blow-dried her hair
And now she's quite bare
Now she has less hair to carry!
Hello! My name is Drizzle. I am a tiny water drop.
Whew! The sun is heating me up! I am getting smaller and smaller.
Oh! I am going up! Up! Up! Into a cloud! Whee!
Look at them. They look just like me.
It is really cool up here. I like this place.
Hey! Look at me! I am getting bigger and bigger.
Oh, no! I am too big and heavy! I am falling from the sky!
Where am I now? Oh, I am in a river.
My friends are falling onto the ground. They are seeping into the ground.
Now this river is moving fast! Oh, no. A waterfall!
What is this place? Oh! I am being cleaned!
It's dark in here. Where am I going now?
Ohh! "Splash!" Wow! Here I am again!
There once was a horse named Ed,
Who always ate something red.
He didn't mind
To be treated unkind.
As long as he was fed.
There once was a pony so fat,
He couldn't walk so he sat,
He tried walking one day,
Fell face-flat in the hay
and decided to stay where he's at.