Each one of us has some risk for becoming depressed. For some the chance might be remote, while for others it can be almost inevitable.
We all have our own vulnerabilities for depression, based on our life experiences, health conditions, substance use, and genetic predisposition. A person's risk for becoming depressed at some point in his or her life ranges from low to high, based upon the interaction of all of these factors.
A good general way to think of the factors that lead to depression is with the two-hit hypothesis. This model suggests that people become depressed when the effects of their genetic composition—which itself puts them somewhere on a scale of low-to-high likelihood of eventually developing depression—combine with stressful life experiences.
Even those individuals with a low genetic tendency for depression can become depressed when they experience extreme stress. On the other hand, people with strong genetic predispositions may become depressed without experiencing much stress. Naturally, the people with both high stress and strong genetic predispositions are the most likely to have a depressive disorder.
While the two-hit hypothesis is useful conceptually, making predictions for particular individuals is still a challenge. For example, because of their psychological characteristics, people respond to stress in different ways. Plus, the genetics of depression is not as simple as something like eye color.
What stressful conditions might contribute to someone developing depression?
* emotional or physical abuse, especially when it continues over long periods
* sexual abuse
* emotional and physical neglect
* chaotic home environment
* chronic illnesses, especially during childhood
* substance abuse, including alcoholism
* chronic insomnia and sleep deprivation
How can stress early in life affect mood and brain functioning later on? There are several theoretical possibilities. One is that stress hormones influence the development of key areas of the brain related to mood and emotions.
Is there a depression gene?
The genetics of depression are complex and not yet fully understood. A single depression gene locus has not been found; rather, several sections of the genome have been identified that are associated with a higher probability of having depression.
You are at higher risk for depression if ...
* you have had significant difficulty due to depression in the past
* depression runs in your family, especially in close blood relatives
* you have been exposed to chronic stressful circumstances
If you think that you are at high risk for depression, you should be alert for early signs of any symptoms of a mood disorder and you should then talk with your mental health specialist about possible treatments. Early treatment can have both short- and long-term benefits.
Of course, if you already have severe depressive symptoms, then seek help right away. If you are feeling suicidal, talk with someone about it immediately and consult your doctor, or else get to an emergency room fast.
Consider, too, the risks of your family and friends. You might play an important role in helping them get early treatment to prevent worse symptoms in the future.