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時間: 若木631 分享



  Our perception of the world around us is strongly linked to our vision.But how do you know what you are seeing is real? Can you really trust your eyes? Take for example these two gray rectanglar columns.Both of which are different shades of gray.Or are they?


  It turns out that they are the exact same.And yet,even after knowing that the illusion is there,your eyes refuse to see them as the same.Introducing colors produces the same result.I promise No trick photography or editing effects have been applied.In fact,if you look up the "Munker-White Illusion",you will come across many examples.Examine them in photoshops and you can see the colors are the exact same.

  實際上 它們是完全相同的。但是 即使我們意識到錯覺的存在,你的眼睛還是拒絕認為他們相同。引入顏色產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果仍相同。我保證 這里沒有用到攝影技巧或者后期效果。其實 如果你查Munker-White錯覺 就會找到許多例子。用Photoshops檢查一下 你就會發(fā)現(xiàn) 它們顏色是一樣的。

  A similar effect can be seen with this checker board illusion.Tile A clearly seems darker than Tile B.But you know better by now,right? Even though your eyes can't see it,you know when I remove the surronding imagery,the tiles will be the same color,So what's going on here?The truth is that scientists don't fully understand the phenomenon,and there are many complex biological and neurological factors taking place.

  格子板錯覺中也出現(xiàn)了相似的效果。A格子看上去明顯比B格子暗。但現(xiàn)在 你懂了 對吧?即使你的眼睛看不到。你也知道當我把周圍圖像移除后 格子的顏色是相同的。那么 這是怎么了?其實 科學家并未完全理解這個現(xiàn)象,其中摻雜著許多復雜的生物和神經(jīng)學因素。

  Ultimately,our brains judge color and brightness in context.In other words,our brains compare the surrounding environment in order to create our perception.The purpose of our senses,or eyes in this case,Is not to provide us with an absolute color or physical property of our external reality,but to interpret what we see as efficiently as possible in order to interact with our environment most appropriately.

  總而言之 我們的大腦會根據(jù)環(huán)境判斷顏色和亮度。換句話說 我們的大腦會通過比較周圍環(huán)境 來產(chǎn)生我們的認知。感官的作用 或者在這個例子中 眼睛,并非讓我們感受到現(xiàn)實世界中絕對的顏色或者物理特性。而是盡可能高效地詮釋我們所見之景 以便與外界以最合適的方式交互。

  The tile illusion take advantage of this phenomenon:Our brains knows that shadows make objects look darker,as a result,the brain compensates by interpreting the tile as being lighter than it appears.Until we take the shadow away.Perhaps the most blading example is this gradient.The middle bar is simply one color.Remove the background gradient,and it becomes obvious.

  磚塊錯覺利用的就是這種現(xiàn)象:我們的大腦知道陰影讓物體看上去更暗,結(jié)果 大腦加以補償 認為磚塊比看上去的顏色更淺。直到我們把陰影去掉。這張漸變圖也許是最鮮明的例子。中間的條只是單色條。將背景漸變色去掉后 這就很明顯了。

  Once again,the darkness of the background has effected our perception of the bar's color.Our perception is relative.So,do you still trust your eyes?

  再一次 背景灰度影響了我們對長條顏色的認知。我們的知覺是相對的。那么 你還相信自己的眼睛嗎?
