
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語閱讀 > 英語笑話 > 初中生簡單的英語笑話


時間: 韋彥867 分享



  初中生簡單的英語笑話:Worm jokes

  What's yellow, wiggles and is dangerous?

  A maggot with attitude!

  Why was the glow worm unhappy?

  Because her children weren't that bright!

  What do worms leave round their baths?

  The scum of the earth!

  What do you get if you cross a worm and an elephant?

  Very big worm holes in your garden!

  What reads and lives in an apple?

  A bookworm!

  What did the woodworm say to the chair?

  It's been nice gnawing you!

  What do you get if you cross a worm and a young goat?

  A dirty kid!

  What did the maggot say to another?

  What's a nice maggot like you doing in a joint like this!

  Why are glow worms good to carry in your bag?

  They can lighten your load!

  What do you get if you cross a glow worm with a python?

  A 15 foot strip light that can strangle you to death!

  初中生簡單的英語笑話:Reptile jokes

  Why did the tadpole feel lonely?

  Because he was newt to the area!

  Where do frogs keep their treasure?

  In a croak of gold at the end of the rainbow!

  Whats white on the outside, green on the inside and comes with relish and onions?

  A hot frog!

  What did the bus conductor ay to the frog?

  Hop on!

  What goes dot-dot-croak, dot-dash-croak?

  Morse toad!

  Whats the world weakest animal?

  A toad, he croaks if you even touch him!

  What kind of pole is short and floppy?

  A tadpole!

  What do you call a girl with a frog in her hair?


  What do Scottish toads play?


  初中生簡單的英語笑話:Fish jokes

  Which fish can perform operations?

  A Sturgeon!

  Where do little fishes go every morning?

  To plaice school!

  What fish goes up the river at 100mph?

  A motor pike!

  How could the dolphin afford to buy a house?

  He prawned everything!

  1st kipper: 'Smoking's bad for you'

  2nd kipper: 'It's OK, I've been cured'

  What kind of fish is useful in freezing weather?


  What do you call a fish with no eyes?


  What lives in the ocean, is grouchy and hates neighbours?

  A hermit crab!

  What do you get from a bad-tempered shark?

  As far away as possible!

  Why did the whale cross the road?

  To get to the other tide!

  初中生簡單的英語笑話:Dog jokes

  Q: Why do dogs bury bones in the ground?

  A: Because you can't bury them in trees!

  Q: Why did the poor dog chase his own tail?

  A: He was trying to make both ends meet!

  Q: What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a rose?

  A: A collie-flower!

  Q: Why do dogs wag their tails?

  A: "Because no one else will do it for them!"

  Q: Why didn't the dog speak to his foot?

  A: Because it's not polite to talk back to your paw!

  Q: What is the dogs favorite city?

  A: New Yorkie!

  Q: Who is the dogs favorite comedian?

  A: Growlcho Marx!

  Q: What did the cowboy say when the bear ate Lassie?

  A: "Well, doggone!"

  Q: What happened when the dog went to the flea circus?

  A: He stole the show!

  Q: How can if you have a stupid dog?

  A: It chases parked cars!





