


時(shí)間: 美婷1257 分享



  I know a woman who's an incurable1 optimist2: She shows up for work actually believing she'll get through her to-do list. Slipping into her desk chair, she decides to check her e-mail before diving into the presentation she has to write, and whoosh…she's sucked into a ton of annoying little requests. She sends brief answers and 40 minutes later gets started on her presentation. Just as inspiration starts to flow, the phone rings.

  Most of us spend our days in environments that make us feel scattered3. If you're an office worker, you're interrupted every three minutes on average, according to researchers at the School of Information and Computer Science at UC-Irvine. A related study showed that it can take 25 minutes to regain4 your concentration after each interruption, which means that brilliant train of thought you were riding might get permanently5 derailed. 一項(xiàng)類(lèi)似研究表明每當(dāng)人們被打斷后需要25分鐘才能重新集中注意力。 這意味著你的思緒也許會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)偏離軌道。

  Caught off guard, we drop everything to solve problems other people not only could but should handle. One quick question leads to another and another, and soon the day is shot. 在毫無(wú)思想準(zhǔn)備的情況下,我們會(huì)放下手頭每件事情來(lái)解決別人不但有能力而且應(yīng)該去解決的問(wèn)題。一個(gè)匆忙的問(wèn)題帶來(lái)一個(gè)接一個(gè)的問(wèn)題,很快,一天時(shí)間就被浪費(fèi)了。


  Why Can't You Just Say No?


  Most people claim they give in to sudden requests because they hate letting others down. I say it's more about not disappointing ourselves: We're hooked on feeling needed. If we take a hard look at ourselves, we might see that we unwittingly encourage people to come to us for every little thing. Interruptions can also be a welcome distraction6. Faced with an unpleasant task, we're more than happy to turn our attention elsewhere. Finally, we often don't say no because of simple disorganization. In a choppy and shapeless day, we handle disruption immediately because we figure, if not now, when?

  While it's important to be reasonably accessible to the people you live and work with, you don't want to spend most of your waking hours in helper mode at the expense of completing your own critical tasks. Even if you're in crisis management or, for that matter, if you're a stay-at-home mom, you need to prioritize requests. Otherwise you get trapped in a whirlwind of multitasking where you start many things and finish nothing.

  Keep a Log 做個(gè)記錄

  The first step in taking back control is to know exactly what you're up against. Track yourself for a week. For each interruption, note the time and the way it came about (via e-mail, telephone, or drop-by visitor). Include the interruptions you visited on yourself with incessant7 checking of e-mail, walks to the watercooler, and klatching with friends. Write down how long you spent on each, and grade it: A = critical and urgent; B = important, not urgent; C = unnecessary.

  Add up the total minutes spent on A-level interruptions, and divide by five to get your daily average. That's the amount of time each day you must leave open for the inevitable8 crises that must be handled immediately. 把花在緊急任務(wù)上的時(shí)間加起來(lái),除以五得到平均每個(gè)工作日里被打斷時(shí)間,這就是你必須每天空出來(lái)處理那些不可避免的需要立即處理的事情的時(shí)間。

  You'll likely have two or three people who can break in anytime (your boss, one or two key colleagues, and perhaps your spouse9 or child). Postpone10 dealing11 with as many of the others as you can. Many issues are important (B level), but, as you'll see from your log, they can wait. The delay has a payoff: It allows you to prepare to respond in a more focused, efficient way.

  Get Rid of Pesky Distractions12 消除討厭的分心事物

  Some interruptions are simply a waste of time, so your next step is to cut way down on them:

   Rearrange your space. If your office feels like Grand Central, make it less inviting13. Close your door just enough to avoid eye contact with people passing by. In a cubicle14, move your chair or position a plant for a blocking effect.

   Break the e-addiction. Turn off your e-mail alert, and let voice mail pick up when you really need to concentrate. I highly recommend the radical15 concept of not checking e-mail for the first hour of the day. Instead, spend that time on your most imperative16 task. The sense of accomplishment17 you feel from knocking off that big to-do fuels you with energy all day long and lets you meet the demands of others less resentfully.

   If you're supervising people (管理人員), empower them to make decisions so you're not constantly inundated18 with tiny questions and concerns. Be clear on the destination, but let people be creative on the path. Tell subordinates exactly which decisions they can make without you. If someone comes to you with a problem she could handle on her own, turn it back around. ("Can you make that call? I won't be able to get to it for two days" or "Come up with a few solutions, then let's meet.")

  Put Disruptions on Your Own Timetable 預(yù)留“被打擾”的時(shí)間

  Third, although it might sound like an oxymoron, you can schedule interruptions2: 雖然這聽(tīng)起來(lái)自相矛盾,但是你可以給“被打擾”安排好時(shí)間。

   Establish several "open" times throughout the day when anyone can stop by—at your convenience. Try alternating3 one hour closed door, one hour open. In most situations, people are fine with waiting as long as they know when they will be heard.

   Begin the conversation with "What can I do for you?" rather than "How are you?" The latter is an invitation to chat. You want to get straight to the point.

   Ask how long each person will need. Fifteen minutes? A half hour? You can choose between setting4 up the meeting for later or saying something like, "Let's talk now; I've got a conference call in 20 minutes." This approach forces people to stick to the amount of time they've requested.

   Rehearse a few comfortable exit lines in case someone gets you at a bad moment. For example, "I'm in the middle of finishing a project; can we talk this afternoon?" or "I'd love to help you out, but this week is impossible."

   Even for people whose interruptions you take anytime, there's no offense5 in asking when they need the request filled. Within the hour? The day? You'll be surprised how often there's no rush.

  Recover Quickly 如何迅速地再次集中注意力

  Whenever you stop in the middle of completing a task, take a moment to jot6 down exactly what you'd planned to do next and how long it will take. For example, "Write closing paragraph: 30 minutes." If you're working on a document, put a bright-colored Post-it on the exact spot where you left off. This will make it easier to get reoriented.

  Finally, don't respond to any interruption1 without first asking yourself the million dollar questions: Whom will you let down by saying yes? Did you also make a promise to someone else? Whose disappointed face can you tolerate7 least—the person's in front of you or your boss's?









大家都不喜歡在工作時(shí)被打擾,但有時(shí)一些緊急事件又不得不趕快處理。那么我們?cè)撊绾翁幚磉@些被打擾的工作狀況呢?接下來(lái),小編給大家準(zhǔn)備了關(guān)于辦公室如何防打擾,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 關(guān)于辦公室如何防打擾 I know a woman whos an incu


  • 如何處理職場(chǎng)矛盾


  • 關(guān)于面試須知的事情

    關(guān)于面試,我們需要注意什么呢?接下來(lái),小編給大家準(zhǔn)備了關(guān)于面試須知的事情,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 關(guān)于面試須知的事情 Many years ago when I hated what I

  • 關(guān)于事業(yè)上的成功


  • 如何描述自己的工作

    工作天天做,可是你知道怎樣用英語(yǔ)來(lái)詢(xún)問(wèn)別人的工作或者描述自己的工作嗎?接下來(lái),小編給大家準(zhǔn)備了如何描述自己的工作,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 如何