1. How have you helped increase sales? Profits?
對策:Explain in some detail, citing figures and specific examples.
2. Have you helped reduce costs? How?
對策:Describe in some detail with specifics.
3. How much money did you account for?
對策:Give examples as to your responsibilities. Explain how the budget was determined1, and your role in overseeing your department's portion.
4. How many people did you supervise on your last job?
對策:Explain the structure of your department and your role as manager.
5. Do you like working with figures more than words?
對策:Be honest but positive.
6. In your current or last position, what features did you like the most? Least?
對策:Be honest but put a positive spin on your least favorite duties.
7. In your current or last position, what are or were your five most significant accomplishments2?
對策:Explain in some detail, citing figures and specific examples if needed. Don't take too much time.
1. If I spoke1 with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
對策:Emphasize your skills, and don't be overly negative about your weaknesses. It's always safer to identify a lack of a skill as an area for improvement rather than a shortcoming.
2. Can you work under pressures, deadlines, etc.?
對策:Yes, it's a way of life in business. Be sure to cite examples of your success.
3. How have you changed the nature of your job?
對策:Explain how you have improved the efficiency, productivity, and the like.
4. Do you prefer staff or line work? Why?
對策:It depends on the job and its challenges.
5. In your present position, what problems have you identified that had previously2 been overlooked?
對策:Keep it brief and don't brag3.
6. Do you feel you might be better off in a different size company? Different type company?
對策:It depends on the job -- elaborate slightly.
7. How do you resolve conflict on a project team?
對策:Explain that communication is important, and that you would first you discuss the issues privately4.
8. What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?
對策:Try to relate your response to the prospective5 employment situation.
1. Why are you leaving your present job?
對策:Refine your answer based on your comfort level and honesty. Give a "group" answer if possible, e.g. our department was consolidated1 or eliminated.
2. How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits?
對策:Concerned but not panicked.
3. Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.
對策:One in which people are treated as fairly as possible.
4. How would you evaluate your present firm?
對策:It's an excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences.
1. How much are you looking for?
對策:Answer with a question, e.g., "What is the salary range for similar jobs in your company?" If the interviewer1 doesn't answer, then give a range of what you understand you are worth in the marketplace.
2. How much do you expect, if we offer this position to you?
對此:Be careful; the market value of the job may be the key answer, e.g., "My understanding is that a job like the one you're describing may be in the range of ______."
3. What kind of salary are you worth?
對策:Have a specific2 figure in mind... don't be hesitant.
