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  第 I 卷(選擇題共 100 分)

  第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30 分)

  做題時,請先將答案標在試卷上,錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的 答案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡上

  第一節(jié)(共 5 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 7.5 分)

  聽下面 5 段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個選項中選出最 佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有 10 秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小 題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  1.What will the man probably do next?

  A.Look for the key. B. Buy something. C. Wait for the woman.

  2.When will the speakers need to be in their seats?

  A.No later than 7:15 p.m. B. No later than 7:25 p.m. C. Anytime before 7:30 p.m.

  3.What does the man like to play now?

  A.Tennis. B. Baseball. C. Basketball.

  4.What does the woman imply about Uncle Jim?

  A.He eats too much. B. His manners are just fine.

  C. He has a good sense of humor.

  5.What did the man pay the most for?

  A.The washing machine. B. The fridge. C. The bed.

  第二節(jié)(共 15 小題,每小題 1.5 分,滿分 22.5 分)

  聽下面 5 段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三 個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀 各個小題,每小題 5 秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出 5 秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀 兩遍。

  聽第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 題。

  6.What is the man allowed to make?

  A.The salad. B. The desserts. C. The sauces.

  7.What is Thanksgiving like in the woman’s family?

  A.Her parents often try to do too much.

  B.No one takes it very seriously.

  C.Everyone does a little bit of everything.

  聽第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 題。

  8.What did the man usually have on hot days?

  A.Cold water. B. Warm water. C. Something other than water.

  9.Who used to take the man to get ice cream?

  A.His grandmother. B. His mother. C. His father.

  聽第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 題。

  10.What does the woman think of the man giving the speech?

  A.He is not talking loudly enough.

  B.He is not wearing a microphone.

  C.He may be from another country.

  11.What is the man’s suggestion?

  A.Turning off the light. B. Leaving the room.

  C. Talking to the speaker privately.

  12.What will the woman do later?

  A.Give a speech. B. Find another lecture. C. Ask some questions.

  聽第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 題。

  13.Who does the man think the woman is shopping for in the beginning?

  A.Herself. B. Her niece. C. Her daughter.

  14.What does the man think of schools in Oregon?

  A.They offer good programs. B. They have beautiful scenery.

  C. They have a long history.

  15.Where did the woman go to college?

  A.Harvard University. B. Brown University.

  C. The University of Pennsylvania.

  16.Where will the woman go next?

  A.To another store. B. To the left of the man’s store.

  C. To a nearby university.

  聽第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 題。

  17.Where does the talk take place?

  A.In England. B. In Australia. C. In the United States.

  18.When was The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry published?

  A. In 2014. B. In 2012. C. In 2007.

  19.What award has Rachel Joyce won?

  A.The Commonwealth Book Prize.

  B.The Man Booker Prize.

  C.The Tinniswood Award.

  20.What did Rachel Joyce use to work as?

  A.An actress. B. A TV host. C. A writer.

  第二部分:閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),40 分)

  第一節(jié)(共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,共 30 分)

  閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的 A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡 上將該項涂黑。


  Railway Stephen

  Manufacturer: Fisher Price

  Publication date: 2016-6-15 Price:.65

  For Ages: 2+

  Stephen is one of the earliest engines ever built. Other engines may be faster and stronger than Stephen, but in terms of strength or speed, Stephen makes up for with his positive spirits, sense of humor and knowledge. Stephen can connect to other engines and vehicles with magnet connectors.

  Monster Truck Manufacturer: LEGO Publication date: 2016-2-21 Price:.95

  For Ages: 3+

  Get the big monster truck to the race with the Monster Truck! Check the engine and huge tires before the show. Jump the ramp(斜坡) to hear the crowd cheer with excitement!

  •Features a man-made low-loader trailer, a monster truck, a ramp and a carriage with opening doors

  •Accessories include tools, a toolbox and an oil can

  Stacking Train

  Manufacturer: Melissa & Doug Publication date: 2015-12-16 Price:.45

  For Ages 4 and up

  The brightly colored wooden train is over 17 inches long and includes 15 changeable pieces. The engine and multicolored goods cars have strong pegs(掛鉤) for linking the cars. Get onboard for a high-quality, value-packed adventure!

  Crazy Forts Manufacturer: Crazy Forts Publication date: 2016-8-9


  For Ages 5 and up

  Children of all ages love building fun structures where they can play endlessly in their imaginary worlds. And Crazy Forts makes play so easy and so fun. Simply connect the balls and sticks and cover the structure with bed sheets to create your imaginary places. They are durable, portable and best of all, there are no batteries required! You can build your own creation, a playhouse for parties, tunnels or connect with friends for amazing structures.

  21.Buy the Monster Truck, and you will get .

  A.fun building structures B. a wooden train with many pieces

  C. huge tires, a toolbox and an oil can D. magnet connectors to connect other vehicles

  22.If John Smith pays .45, he will get a product which has .

  A.portable balls and sticks B. hooks to connect other cars

  C. a ramp and a carriage D. a faster and stronger engines

  23.Which of the following can better promote children’s imagination?

  A.Stacking Train. B. Monster Truck. C. Railway Stephen. D. Crazy Forts.


  What about your performance at today’s class?Are you active enough to focus on the lessons? Nowadays it is common to see students’ laziness and poor efficiency at class. And that is why schools across the world are trying to come up with solutions to keep students active.

  Some are replacing traditional classroom chairs with exercise balls or standing desks. At Ward Elementary School in Winston, North Carolina students have adopted a new program that requires riding fixed bikes while reading.

  ‘Read and Ride’ is the creation of school counselor Scott Ertl, who came up with the idea while he was exercising and reading at the gym. Believing it would be a fun way to convince students to become more active, he placed one in the corner of his classroom and encouraged them to use it during independent reading classes.

  It was so popular that Ertl decided to add more bikes and offer the Read and Ride program to the entire school. Today Ward Elementary has a dedicated exercise room filled with bikes that can be used by students while completing their daily reading assignments.

  Besides making reading more fun, the program also helps students exercise at a comfortable pace without the pressure that comes with regular sports-related activities. It is also a perfect way to release energy during days when the weather is not helpful to outdoor activities. What is more important, however, are the program’s academic benefits. A year after Read and Ride was introduced at Ward Elementary School, students actively involved in the program demonstrated an astonishing 83% reading proficiency. Those who had not taken advantage of the exercise bikes tested at a much lower, 41%.

  Of course there are many other programs which have got good results as ‘Read and Ride’. Though the substantial improvement in academic achievement can not all be attributed to programs lik‘e Read and Ride,’experts believe they are a significant contributor. That’s because studies have shown that physical activity stimulates(刺激) brain cells and helps prepare it for learning. So don’t be surprised to find more schools across the country will adopt “Read and Ride” for their students.

  24.What is the new program at Ward Elementary School?

  A.Kids excise balls in the classroom.

  B.Kids ride bikes when they are reading.

  C.Kids attend reading classes at the gym.

  D.Kids stand on the desks while reading.

  25.How do the students at Ward Elementary School benefit from the program?

  A.They exercise with high pressure. B. They become more active in sports.

  C. They feel reading fun and learn better. D. They become more independent in reading.

  26.Which of the following is the closest in the meaning to the underlined phrase in the last paragraph?

  A.be due to B. be occupied with C. be devoted to D. be addicted to

  27.What is the author's attitude towards this program?

  A.Neutral. B. Negative. C. Doubtful. D. Positive.


  I was on a boat racing across the open ocean off Cancun’s coast. I became thrilled as I wondered what this beautiful day had in store for me. I joined one of the eco-tours that headed out to sea daily and dropped tourists into the ocean with whale sharks—the world’s largest fish! I had learned in the book that they were hard to find and quick to leave. This experience was bound to be unforgettable!

  After an hour-long ride at sea, we noticed large black fins(魚鰭) appearing all around us and I knew immediately we were in for an unforgettable time! With a full boat of 10 people, we took turns plunging into the shark-filled waters two at a time with the addition of a guide. We could immediately see enormous whale sharks swimming in every direction around us. Whale sharks are gentle giants, and it is impossible not to wonder at their huge size and grace as they glide through the water. These giant fish aren’t afraid of humans, swimming quietly right by us.

  The tours allowed for 15 minutes in the water at a time, rotating(使輪流) other tourists in and out. On this day the waves were very strong and several of the passengers became seasick, and so did I. But I don’t normally get seasickness. Luckily for me, those passengers stopped taking their turn, allowing me more time in the water!

  Before the tour ended we had been in the water for a couple of hours and within a few feet of dozens of whale sharks. How could the experience get any better? You might ask. How about a surprise visit from manta rays jumping out of water? Yes! Giant manta rays were propelling(推動) themselves into the air for our viewing pleasure on our way back home! Some even swam by our boat and gave us a close-up view!

  On the way back to Cancun we ate lunch at the beautiful and slightly crowded beach of Isla Mujeres. By the time the day had ended it put my previous experience in Belize to shame—this was indeed a day that had made my dreams come true.

  28.How did the writer feel when he was on a boat racing across the open ocean off Cancun’s coast?

  A.Very excited. B. Very frightened. C. Very disappointed. D. Very surprised.

  29.From the third paragraph, we can learn that .

  A.the writer didn’t become seasick on the boat

  B.the writer felt like staying longer in the water

  C.the writer stayed in the water only for 15 minutes

  D.many passengers became ill because of the cold water

  30.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.A tour to Cancun.

  B.A boat racing at sea.

  C.The experience of swimming with whale sharks.

  D.The way to protect the world’s biggest fish—whale sharks.

  31.We can infer that the manta ray probably refers to .

  A.a seabird B. a sea creature C. a gentle wave D. a large boat


  Nowadays, it is common to see almost everybody fix their eyes on the screens of their smartphones at parties, although various food and drinks are provided. So people say parties and social gatherings no longer excite us the same way they once did.

  They prefer to spend more time on their phones rather than talk with their friends. According to a recent International Data Corporation study, well over half of Chinese have a smartphone and reach for it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day. In addition, too many drivers are using smartphones while driving and as a result they get into car crashes. According to a police report, 34 percent of drivers admit texting while driving, and they confirm that text messaging is their number one driving interruption. People's attachment to their smartphones is unbelievably becoming more important than the lives of themselves and others.

  Just as drivers ignore the importance of focusing while on the road, many people also fail to recognize the significance of human interaction. When with their friends, some people pointlessly check or send text messages in the presence of a friend, which sends a message to that friend: the person I am texting is more important than you. In addition, relying on our smartphone to make friends does not give us the same advantage as being able to make new friendships in the real world. Face-to-face conversations will give us much stronger communication skills in the long run.

  Not only is the smartphone affecting our desire to interact (交流) face-to-face but it is also lowering society's ability to communicate. We are living in a high-tech age, yet face-to-face communication is and will permanently be the number one way of communicating for humans.

  32.Why do parties and social gatherings no longer excite us like before?

  A.Because the drinks no longer taste good.

  B.Because the parties and gatherings are not attractive.

  C.Because people are too busy to attend the parties and gatherings.

  D.Because people focus more on the smartphones than the parties and gatherings.

  33.According to the second paragraph, which of the following interrupts drivers the most while they are driving?

  A.Drinking alcohol. B. Listening to music.

  C. Text messaging. D. Talking with their friends.

  34.Over reliance on the smartphone leads to the result that .

  A.people's communication skills are weakened

  B.some parties and gatherings limit their social circle

  C.people are becoming more and more narrow-minded

  D.face-to-face communication becomes less important

  35.This text is probably taken from .

  A.a personal diary B. an advertisement

  C. a police report D. a popular magazine

  第二節(jié):七選五(共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,共 10 分) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的七個選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。

  Do you usually feel like you're working hard but still can't reach your study goals? Here are some quick tips to help you study better.

  ◆Study with a partner or in groups

  Rather than living in a cave with your nose in the books all day, grab a friend from your class and study with him. 36

  ◆Step into your teacher's shoes

  Ask yourself “If I were the teacher, what would I put on the test?” You have probably experienced a lot of your teacher's tests and quizzes by now. 37 Teachers have specific types of information that they want you to learn. The structure is usually the same.

  ◆Paint pictures on the paper.

  You can build your knowledge structure in the form of pictures. It's harder to remember each piece of a puzzle individually than it is to recall the completed picture. 38

  ◆ 39

  A hungry brain is an ineffective one. Those Snickers commercials were not kidding. Your brain needs the proper nutrients to keep it going. Because of this, what you eat and drink also plays a huge role in how sharp your brain is. Healthy foods provide nutrients to your brain cells to keep them energized. Junk foods increase tiredness and don't make you have a good taste for others.

  ◆Take breaks to relax your brain.

  Your brain is like a muscle. It can also tire if you overwork it. 40 If you divide studying into 15•30•minute blocks with quick breaks in between, your brain will feel refreshed, grateful and ready for the next challenge you throw at.

  A.Feed your brain from time to time.

  B.It needs exercise to make it stronger.

  C.Relax your brain by eating and drinking.

  D.You’ d better learn from them for the next test.

  E.It's necessary to have a long holiday and have nice food.

  F.Find ways to connect what you are learning to real life or to other concepts.

  G.Group studying helps you to engage and process the information more deeply.

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45 分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共 20 小題,每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C 和 D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  Long long ago, a wise man who lived a simple life in a village was famous throughout the country. The king heard about his stories and was so 41 with the man’s modest behavior that he invited the wise man to live with him in the 42 .

  The wise man willingly accepted , which surprised the king, who had expected it would take 43 to persuade him to accept the invitation. 44 , the king made luxurious arrangements for his stay.

  To the king’s greater 45 , the wise man 46 quickly and even enjoyed all the luxuries of the palace. While the king started 47 that maybe he was cheated by the wise man. But he just kept his 48 to himself and continued to 49 the wise man. A year later, the wise man was still enjoying his stay.

  One day, the king 50 his mind to talk to the wise man about his thoughts. He said, “When I first met you, I 51 your lifestyle and minimum needs, but what I see now is totally the 52 . I am confused 53 what is the difference between you and me.” The wise man smiled and said, “ I am 54 for you to ask this question, but I will answer you tomorrow morning.”

  The next morning the wise man came to the king and said, “ I am leaving for an unknown place. 55 you really want the answer, you will have to leave your palace, your family, your kingdom and accompany me.” The king hesitated for a while, and then he said, “ Yon know I can’t do that!”

  The wise man smiled and replied, “Yes, I know. And that is the 56 between you and me. I can leave all pleasures and comforts behind 57 I want because I am not attached to them, but you are. I hope you have your answer now.” The king 58 understood. He requested the wise man to stay on, but the man refused. As he was leaving, he said to the king, “Remember, what you hold on to 59 you. And since I hold on to nothing, I have 60 to give up. I am forever free.”

  41.A. impressed B. satisfied C. shocked D. excited

  42.A. village B. house C. city D. palace

  43.A. risks B. efforts C. campaigns D. chances

  44.A. Moreover B. Besides C. However D. Otherwise

  45.A. joy B. disappointment C. surprise D. relief

  46.A. looked down B. got down C. settled down D. set down

  47.A. suspecting B. commenting C. confirming D. imaging

  48.A. words B. notes C. spirits D. thoughts

  49.A. understand B. predict C. support D. observe

  50.A. made up B. set up C. put up D. kept up

  51.A. adopted B. admired C. attracted D. admitted

  52.A. same B. believable C. opposite D. available

  53.A. by B. in C. of D. about

  54.A. ready B. famous C. grateful D. late

  55.A. Unless B. Because C. If D. Although

  56.A. balance B. difference C. experience D. distance

  57.A. whichever B. wherever C. however D. whenever

  58.A. actually B. luckily C. finally D. greatly

  59.A. sticks B. holds C. keeps D. gets

  60.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

  第二節(jié)(共 10 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 15 分) 閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬?nèi)容(1 個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。

  The mouse is an effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.

  Most people find it almost impossible 61 (operate) a computer without a mouse. First, a mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient. Only by simply 62 (click) can we complete a lot of operations. Second, the functions like inserting, moving and copying 63 (able) us to edit texts, browse web pages and download 64 we want. Using it to email people, shop online and chat with friends is fast. Besides, it can help us enjoy all kinds of 65 (entertain) like music, movies and games.

  Every coin has two sides. As a convenient tool, the mouse can make our work much 66 (easy). 67 , using it too much can also be negative. For one thing, 68 may lack for thinking with so much ready information appearing in front of us. The ready answers may make us lazy and 69 (will) to create new things. For another, using the mouse for too long will hurt our wrists. So we had better use it 70 (proper).

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié) 滿分 35)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分) 假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中

  共有 10 處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。 增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。 刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\)劃掉。 修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。

  注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

  2. 只允許修改 10 處,多者(從第 11 處起)不計分。

  Chen Xi is one of my best friend. He studies art history of China in an university. He is able to recognize the styles of different cultural relics from former times, especial the Tang and Song dynasties.

  One day when he was wandering in a second-hand furniture shop he saw an amazed object among many different vases and jewels. It was a mirror which was belonged to the Song Dynasty. Chen Xi went up and took a closer look it. With his knowledge in art history, he recognizes that it was a rare mirror. He decided to buy the mirror although it was sold at a high price. Later he gave it to your local museum. People there were very happy but considered it one of the treasures of their collection. To them, it was worth much most than Chen Xi paid.

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分 25 分)

  假如你是李華,你的好友王明自進入高三以來一直覺得壓力很大,學習狀態(tài)不大好。 請你給他寫封電子郵件,以幫助他振作起來。

  寫作要點:1.給他一些建議; 2.送上祝福。 注意:

  1. 詞數(shù) 100 左右;

  2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。



  1—5 BBACC 6—10 ACBCA 11—15 BCAAB 16—20 BCBCA


  21—23 CBD 24—27 BCAD 28—31 ABCB 32—35 DCAD 36—40 GDFAB


  41—45 ADBCC 46—50 CADDA 51—55 BCDAC 56—60 BDCBD


  61. to operate 62. clicking 63. enable 64. what

  65. entertainments 66. easier 67. However 68. we

  69. unwilling 70. properly


  Chen Xi is one of my best friend. He studies art history of China in an university. He is able

  friends a

  to recognize the styles of different cultural relics from former times, especial the Tang and Song



  One day when he was wandering in a second-hand furniture shop he saw an amazed object


  among many different vases and jewels. It was a mirror which was belonged to the Song


  Dynasty. Chen Xi went up and took a closer look it. With his knowledge in art history, he


  recognizes that it was a rare mirror. He decided to buy the mirror although it was sold at a high


  price. Later he gave it to your local museum. People there were very happy but considered it one

  his and

  of the treasures of their collection. To them, it was worth much most than Chen Xi paid.



  Dear Wang Ming,

  I am sorry to hear about your situation. But I hope you will soon cheer up. The following are some suggestions for you to relieve stress.

  First, try to build up your confidence. Preparing for the college entrance examinations is a long-term and complicated process and confidence plays an important role in it. So never give up or lose heart no matter what happens. Second, you should find out your own strengths and weaknesses in your study, and seek help from both teachers and classmates in face of difficulties and stress. Last but not the least, you are supposed to do more physical exercise so as to keep fit as well as relax yourselves. Always remember “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

  Less pressure, better life! Best wishes to you!

  Yours Li Hua









高考時難免會緊張,但是緊張中要有序,而且效率是關(guān)鍵。祝高考順利!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的高考英語試卷電子版2017,僅供大家參考! 高考英語試卷電子版2017 第 I 卷(選擇題共 100 分) 第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30 分) 做題時,請先將答案標在試卷上


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    平時嚴格要求自己,高考即可輕松應對。祝高考順利!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的高考英語試卷,僅供大家參考! 高考英語試卷 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 閱讀理

  • 高考英語試卷2017模擬試題

    名列前茅是銀,日新月異是金。每天都有進步是最重要的。祝高考順利!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的高考英語試卷2017模擬試題,僅供大家參考! 高考英語