Answer The Puzzle解答難題
One day,the teacher walked into her classroom and announced to the class that on each Friday,she will ask a question of the class and anyone who answers correctly doesn't have to go to school the following Monday.
One the first Friday,the teacher asked,"how many grains of sand are there on the beach?”Needless to say,no one could answer.The following Friday, the teacher asks the class,“How many stars are there in the sky?”and no one could answer.
Frustrated,little Johnny decided that the next Friday,he would somehow answer the question and get a three-day weekend. So on Thursday night, Johnny took two ping一gong balls and painted them black. The next day, he brought them to school in a paper bag. At the end of the day,just when the teacher said,"here’s this weekend’s question,"Johnny emptied the bag to floor,sending the ping一pong balls rolling to the front of the room.
Because they were young kids who find any disruption of class amusingthe entire class started laughing.The teacher said,"OK,who's the comedian with the black balls?"Immediately,little Johnny stood up and said,"Johnny Henry,see you on Tuesday”
It Wasn't One Person不是一個(gè)人
The teacher is handing back the homework.
"Johnny, "she says. "Your homework is very poor. I really don’t see how one person can make so many mistakes.”
"It wasn't one person, Miss,”says Johnny.“My dad helped me”
The Composition Class作文課
The students in the composition class were assigned the task of writing an essay on "The Most Beautiful Thing I Ever Saw".The student who,of all the members of the class,seemed the least sensitive to beauty, handed in his paper first with astonishing speed. It was short and to the point. He had written:"The most beautiful thing I ever saw was too beautiful for words.”
?。?ldquo;God Save The King !“愿上帝保佑國(guó)王”(
The famous Dr. Smith,dean of Medical College,was appointed private physician to the King. Whereupon he proudly wrote the following notice on the blackboard of his classes:“Professor Smith informs his students that he has been appointed Honorary Physician to His Majesty the King.”
When he returned to his classroom in the afternoon,he found written below his notice this line: "God save the King”
