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The best way to reduce air pollution is that government to raise the cost of fuel (petrol) of the cars. (2013年4月27日北美考題)



One of the most popular environmental issues that has been debated in the past decade is whether or not air pollution can be reduced by raising the fuel price for cars. In my opinion, there are many alternatives that are equally effective in terms of controlling or even eliminating air pollution with two examples being the adoption of improved public transportation system and new energy sources.


First of all, a cost-effective public transportation system is one of the most practical methods to alleviate the air pollution problem. Most private cars are equipped with a combustion-engine which consumes fossil fuel. Unfortunately, the combustion of this kind of traditional fuel is the major contributor to air pollution. If the government or private enterprises can introduce affordable and comfortable public transportations, people may switch to buses powered by clean energy such as natural gas without hesitation.Therefore, the benefit of introducing quality public transportations on the environment is obvious, and people can expect better air quality due to the decrease of fuel consumption as well. Some cities and regions have already been experimenting with new public transportation system. For example, Shanghai, a major city in China, has used the environmentally clean magnet train to transfer passengers between its airport and the city center for the last ten years.


What's more, the annoying problem of air pollution could also be completely eradicated through the use of new energy sources. The use of eco-friendly “new energy”, which includes solar energy, wind power, nuclear energy, and bio fuels among others, is probably the most revolutionary concept of the late 20th century. Scientists are working vigorously to put them into actual applications that will provide enough energy to power our daily activities with minimal carbon dioxide emission. For example, solar energy is almost 100 per cent pollution free and can support heating systems installed in houses and apartments very effectively.


In conclusion, there are many other effective options available to eliminate air pollution and improve our air quality other than raising fuel price as we have discussed in this paper. Their successful development and implementation can insure that air pollution will no longer be a problem for mankind in the future.



題目:A person should never make an important decision alone. (TOEFL Official Practice Test 5)



In an ideal world, people could always make optimum decisions which would require them to listen to advice from others. However, it would not be absolutely true to say we should never make important decision independently. On many occasions, you are forced to make decisions alone either because it is your responsibility or you practically cannot rely on other people's support.


First, the highest executives in the business world have the responsibility to make the final decisions especially if she or he is responsible for a large number of employees. It is true that fellow managers often advise their executives about the pursuance of strategic goals, but no one can substitute the decision-makers' role and make decision for them. Decision-makers in large enterprises are held accountable for their actions regardless. I know a business man who used to run a gas station equipment manufacturer, which was one of the top 3 in the country. He has to decide whether or not to sell the company when the business was turning down in the last few years. You can imagine the large amount of advice that he had received during that time, but in the end, it has to be his decision to sell the company although no one could foresee if this would turn out to be the best choice.


Secondly, there are extreme situations where you practically have to make decisions alone. In emergency circumstances, owning to the fact that people do not have hours to reckon and organize seminars with a dozen of experts, people have to make choices decisively without any hesitation. Imagine if you are trapped in the mountains and your phone no longer has power. What should you do? Should you keep going in order to reach help or stay in your current location waiting for rescue? There are no other people that could come to you to give you suggestions, individual experience is the only thing you can count on during these critical moments.


Admittedly, decision with long lasting implications should not be formed recklessly. The decisions-makers should weigh the cost and benefit of any possibility carefully before they reach a final decision which inevitably demands contributions made by advisors. But in real world, leaders often need to confront situation by making independent and resolute solutions without unlimited time and resources.




1、Original: If we agree to say that school offers us the best book knowledge acquisition then our society offers us the best surviving techniques in a hard way.

Revised: If we agree that school offers the best method for the acquisition of book knowledge, then our society offers us the best method for acquiring common sense or “street smarts”.

Agree to say that表達中式化,只需要agree that即可;the best book knowledge acquisition改為the best method for the acquisition of book knowledge(學校給我們提供了獲取書本知識的最好方法)更為恰當 ,同樣后面的the best surviving techniques改為the best method for acquiring common sense,加上street marks(街頭智慧)給文章的托福詞匯增添色彩。

2、Original: They can spend more time studying education and communication to improve their role as a mother, wife and daughter.

Revised: They can also decide to spend more time studying, education themselves, in order to improve themselves in their roles as mothers, wives and daughters.

原句中studying education and communication的說法中式化,不符合英語的表述,應該為studying,educating themselves。除了詞語表達,此句中還存在其他問題,如名詞單復數(shù)的使用:不是提高他們的角色,而是提高他們自身以扮演好母親角色。

還有,女性不止一個人。很多人都在扮演母親角色,role和mother應用復數(shù),故將improve their role as a mother改為improve themselves in their roles as mother;同樣,為保持一致,wife和daughter也可用復數(shù),原文中wife的復數(shù)寫法有誤,應該是wives。

3、Original:If you can get the point of communication by watching TV,will you...?

Revised:If one can learn about communicating from television,will you...?

原句的get the point of communication by watching TV表達不清,讓人難以理解,應該是指“從電視上學習交際”:learn about communicating from television.









比如:Improving school is most important factor to sucessful development of country. 看到most ,我們自然想到用他因法。



形式主語,主動,被動,動名詞To do作主語,倒裝句,there be,以及強調(diào)句等等。特別強調(diào)一點,為了使你文章的邏輯清晰可見,要使用邏輯連接詞。



Evolution of sleep

Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographicsense we share it with all the primates and almost allthe other mammals and birds: it may extend back asfar as the reptiles.

There is some evidence that the two types of sleep,dreaming and dreamless, depend on the life-style ofthe animal, and that predators are statistically muchmore likely to dream than prey, which are in turnmuch more likely to experience dreamless sleep. Indream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized and remarkably unresponsive to externalstimuli. Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking theirears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. The fact that deep dream sleep is rare amongpray today seems clearly to be a product of natural selection, and it makes sense that today,when sleep is highly evolved, the stupid animals are less frequently immobilized by deep sleepthan the smart ones. But why should they sleep deeply at all? Why should a state of such deepimmobilization ever have evolved?

Perhaps one useful hint about the original function of sleep is to be found in the fact thatdolphins and whales and aquatic mammals in genera seem to sleep very little. There is, by andlarge, no place to hide in the ocean. Could it be that, rather than increasing an animal’svulnerability, the University of Florida and Ray Meddis of London University have suggestedthis to be the case. It is conceivable that animals who are too stupid to be quite on their owninitiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep. Thepoint seems particularly clear for the young of predatory animals. This is an interesting notionand probably at least partly true.















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